Pregnancy Crisis

Pregnancy Centers

by Staff

What should you do if you suddenly discover that you are pregnant?  You need someone to talk to, somewhere to get emotional support and help knowing what to do now that your pregnant, but you don’t know where to go.  Don’t panic.  There is a place for you — your local pregnancy resource center.  Welcome to our sub section about pregnancy resource centers, where you can get more information about what these centers are and about how they can help you with your pregnancy.

Pregnancy Centers and Services

Pregnancy centers (also called crisis pregnancy centers or pregnancy resource centers), are agencies staffed with caring individuals who want to help you through this most challenging time in your life. Most centers are supported by donations, but a few are also funded with grants. All services are offered at no cost to you, and once you arrive there is usually no wait to see a counselor. Many centers are medical clinics with a full range of free services. The most common service is free pregnancy tests for anyone experiencing any of the following pregnancy symptoms.

The staff is non-judgmental and most are volunteers who give of their time because they care about you. If there is a pregnancy resource center nearby, no woman has to face this challenge alone.

The choice you make regarding your pregnancy will have a profound effect on your body, your relationships, your emotional well-being, and countless other aspects of your future. When you visit a pregnancy center, you can receive support, practical help, and options for counseling. You owe it to yourself to get all the information and support you can. Since pregnancy resources do not profit from your decision, you don’t have to worry about being pressured into making choice before you are ready.

Who Visits Pregnancy Centers?

Women of all ages, races, and socio-economic backgrounds avail themselves of the services offered by their local pregnancy centers. This includes women of all faiths or of no religious persuasion, single and married women, pro-choice and pro-life women in equal numbers, poor and wealthy women, students, parents, and many others. In fact, one in ten American women has visited a crisis pregnancy center.

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