While endometriosis seems scary, many times, women don’t even know that they have it. They either don’t know that they have the disease, or they simply don’t show any symptoms. Without symptoms, many women don’t even realize they need treatment. If you do require treatment, however, there are many possible choices.
Medical Treatments Options
In order to properly diagnose the endometriosis, a woman has to undergo surgery. If a woman has pelvic pain but she has not undergone surgery, she is often prescribed nonsteroidal anti-infammatory drugs. These will help to alleviate the pelvic pain and to lessen the menstrual cramping.
In order to accurately diagnose endometriosis, a woman must undergo surgery. For women who have pelvic pain, but have not undergone surgery, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are often prescribed. These would include ibuprofen or naproxen sodium, among others. They will help to relieve pelvic pain and to alleviate menstrual cramping.
GnRH Analogs
In more severe situations, there are Geonadotropin-releasing hormone analogs (GnRH analogs) that can be given to the woman to reduce the size of implants caused by endometriosis and to relieve pain. They suppress estrogen and stop the menstrual cycle, thereby mimicking menopause. You can either have nasal spray of this analog or injections of this drug. There are, unfortunately, a number of side effects that you might experience. These include hot flashes, vaginal dryness, irregular vaginal bleeding, mood chances, fatigue and osteoporosis. Many of the side effects can be lessened or eliminated if the doctor adds back a small amount of estrogen and progesterone in pill form as part of the treatment plan. This is certainly worth talking to your doctor about if you are experiencing side effects.
Birth Control Pills for Endometriosis
The pill is commonly prescribed for endometriosis. Side effects for the pill include possible weight gain, tender breasts and nausea. Most women, however, don’t find too many side effects with birth control pills and they do find that they help their endometriosis a good deal. In situations where the woman can’t take birth control pills, or she finds that they aren’t effective enough, she may be given progestins. This includes Proyera, Cycrin, Amen and others. Side effects can include bloating and weight gain, irregular uterine bleeding, tender breasts and depression. Unfortunately, these are not a good choice for a woman who hopes to become pregnant soon. They can keep the period from reappearing for a long time.
Surgery Options
If the symptoms don’t dissipate with medications, it may be necessary to have surgery for your endometriosis. This may also be the case if the endometriosis has caused your pelvic organs to be distorted or if you have any internal obstructions. Surgery does not guarantee that the endometriosis will disappear, as up to 40% of the women say that their endometriosis reappears after surgery. Most doctors recommend that women keep taking oral medications after the surgery to help to relieve the symptoms for the long term.