
What Price Beauty

by Staff

You get
what you pay for. It’s an old adage
which can effectively be applied to the subject of permanent hair removal. The cost of permanent hair removal is more
than temporary hair removal, but the results are different in the
post-procedure effects as well. Pricing
varies with clinics, and a consultation is recommended before proceeding with
any treatments. It’s a good idea to get
some referrals from prior clients of the clinic or private practitioner in
order to determine whether you would want their services.

Price Determination for Electrolysis

Some of the
cost factor is determined by the amount of hair to be removed. The cause of facial hair growth on women is
and consequently the pattern of growth is different than that of
men. Pricing structures vary with the
different techniques of permanent hair removal as well as with the different
clinics. Pricing of permanent hair
removal is determined in the following ways:

permanent hair removal is priced between $25-$150/hr per treatment and the
complete process could take between 100 to 400 hours. Variables include the client and the amount
of hair the professional has to deal with.
The rule of thumb as suggested by electrologists is to keep the cost at
a maximum of $250 per week. The average
cost of electrolysis methods, depending upon the condition of the hair being
removed, can vary from $2,000-$20,000.

Factors in Laser Pricing

permanent hair removal
is sometimes based on a flat fee for specific
techniques. The price is determined either
by individual treatment or by complete treatment. The pattern of hair growth can also be a
contributing factor in the pricing for laser hair removal. Some clinics offer pricing without
consideration of specific hair growth patterns as well. Fifteen minute time segments are the basic time
allotment per treatment for laser.
However, this type of pricing pattern is dependent upon the technician’s
ability and speed with the laser along with the quality of hair being
considered and the speed of the laser machine.

Pulses can
be included as part of the determining factors for laser pricing. A pulse is the number of times the beams of
laser are fired by the equipment. One
pulse lasts about one second and removes about one hundred hairs in a dime or
quarter sized area. With the decrease in
the number of hairs, there is a decrease in price.

Different Methods, Different Pricing Systems

is more expensive than laser treatments but the advantages draw customers. Laser clinics generally structure their
pricing around their clients’ needs and most pricing is consistent throughout
the country.

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