
Female Hair Loss

by Staff

If you’re a woman who’s suffering from hair loss then know that you’re not alone. Female hair loss often comes as an unpleasant surprise, leaving many women confused about why they’re losing their hair. Read on to find out the main cause leading to baldness or thinning hair in women and the types of hair loss.

What is Androgenetic alopecia?

Androgenetic alopecia is the main cause for hair loss, particularly in men. Individuals with androgenetic alopecia often have a genetic predisposition to hair loss. Androgenetic alopecia results when testosterones combine with an enzyme to produce dihydrotestosterone (or DHT). When DHT binds with the hair receptors it causes the hair follicles to shrink. Some hair follicles eventually die or lose their ability to grow hair. However, when the buildup of DHT blocks the hair follicle in women, the condition is referred to as female pattern baldness. This is because female pattern baldness can happen for a number of other reasons. Some reasons are associated with the excess of testosterones, while others are not.

Common Types of Hair Loss

Some common types of hair loss in women include:

  • Telogen effluvium: Is the most common type of female hair loss. Hormonal, nutritional, drug-associated, or stress may be cause telogen effluvin in females.Loose-anagen syndrome:
      A condition where the hair sits loosely in the hair follicle, so that when combed it easily falls out, is a type of hair loss seen in faired-haired children. However, with age the syndrome fades.
  • Scarring alopecia: Is a type hair loss that results when the scalp area becomes scarred. Scarring alopecia often affects the top of the scalp. It’s frequently seen in African-American women. Some believe the reason for that is related to the constant tight braiding of the hair. However, some post-menopausal women may also experience scarring alopecia, if their hair follicles constantly inflame.
  • Alopecia areata: Is an autoimmune disorder that causes women to lose patches of their hair. A medical examination is required to properly diagnose this condition. The pattern of loss hair ranges from thinning of the hair to complete baldness.
  • Triangular alopecia: Affects the temporal areas, and may start in childhood. Hair loss may be range from baldness to thinning hair. Although, the cause of this hair loss is not known, it can be treated with hair loss treatments.
  • Trichotillomania: Is hair loss caused by constantly pulling. It can be treated effectively only after treating the psychological or emotional reasons for trichotillomania. Trichotillomania causes patchy hair loss, because compulsive hair pullers tend to tug at their scalp hair in selected areas.

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