Is Matcha Safe During Pregnancy? Discussing Risk Factors!

Pregnancy is considered one of a woman’s most important and anticipated periods. As you are getting prepared to welcome a new life into your life, you will be surrounded by several questions, concerns, and doubts.

Several foods question the safety of the child as well as the mother. Are you aware of such items that need to be avoided during pregnancy? Have you ever considered the side effects of certain foods included in your daily meals? Several foods and beverages, including matcha, often fall under this category. So, let’s have a broader discussion about it.

Let’s dive deeper into the safety, benefits, side effects, and precautions of having matcha during pregnancy. 

What Is Matcha?

Are you a regular Matcha user? What exactly is matcha? Matcha is a variant of powdered green tea. It contains more caffeine when compared to other green teas. It is popular due to its vibrant hue and distinct umami flavor.

Safety Of Matcha Consumption During Pregnancy

Due to its health benefits, matcha has been widely used in Japan for centuries. Recently, it has gained popularity in the Western world as well. As it has several benefits, such as antioxidant properties and nutritional value, it is generally hailed as a superfood. 

What Are The Benefits Of Matcha?

There are several benefits to drinking matcha. It has potential health benefits for pregnant women as well. Some of the benefits of drinking matcha include:


One of the major components of matcha is a high-level antioxidant called catechins. This component has anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) helps neutralize free radicals and maintains the overall health of the body. Additionally, as antioxidants help to regulate the oxidative stress that damages cells and DNA, it is important to include them in the meals during pregnancy.  

Mental health

The caffeine and L-theanine present in matcha support the maintenance of mental stability. They increase clarity and focus without creating the nervousness associated with coffee. 


It is a storehouse of several nutrients, especially those that play a major role in fetal development. Some of the nutrients present in matcha include:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Calcium
  • Potassium
  • Iron 

Stress relief 

L-theanine, present in matcha, provides a calming effect on the body. This is particularly beneficial for pregnant women, as they will be facing several anxieties and stresses related to the pregnancy

Is Matcha Safe For Pregnant Women?

The caffeine content of matcha is one of the major concerns about drinking it during pregnancy. As said earlier, matcha has more caffeine content when compared to other green teas. While other variants of green tea have 11.3 to 24.67 mg of caffeine per gram, matcha has 18.9 to 44.4 mg per gram. Consuming high amounts of caffeine during pregnancy can cause several problems, such as low birth weight, preterm labor, and even miscarriage.  

What Are The Risks Of Matcha?

While matcha has several health benefits, it has also shown some potential risks. Some of them are:

  • Interaction with other drugs

Matcha may interact with other medications, such as blood thinners and blood pressure regulators. As pregnant women will have other medications, these may interact with matcha and cause adverse effects. Additionally, people who are on other medications should consult a healthcare provider before consuming matcha. 

  • Excessive caffeine content 

As previously discussed, pregnancy issues might result from excessive coffee consumption. Always be aware of the daily amount of caffeine you consume, accounting for caffeine from other sources such as tea, coffee, and chocolate.

Side Effects Of Matcha

Drinking more matcha has shown several side effects, such as:

Are There Any Alternatives For Matcha?

Some of the other beverages, such as herbal teas, lemon-mixed warm water, and decaffeinated green teas, are good alternatives to matcha.

  • Decaffeinated green tea

Decaffeinated green tea is a better alternative for people who find it difficult to strike down green tea from their meals. This variant of green tea has a lower caffeine content, reducing the risk. 

  • Herbal tea

Herbal teas including chamomile, peppermint, and ginger are caffeine-free. These are some of the safe choices, especially for pregnant women. However, it is important to avoid herbs that may cause negative results during pregnancy, such as licorice root and raspberry leaves. 

  • Warm water with lemon

Warm water with lemon is a hydrating and refreshing drink that is beneficial for everyone. It has many health advantages and is free of caffeine.  


Consuming matcha during pregnancy can be safe as long as it is restricted to a safe amount. If maintained on the safer side, matcha can aid in mental stability and stress relief during pregnancy. The antioxidants and nutrients in it maintain the overall health of a person.  

However, your concerns and doubts while consuming matcha, especially during pregnancy, should be considered and addressed to a healthcare provider. Always pay good attention to the effects of matcha on your body, as they will differ from person to person and have the potential to cause even miscarriage in pregnant women.

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