In most cases, upper back pain occurs because of poor sleeping posture. Proper alignment and support are required while sleeping. The lack of correct positioning while sleeping can strain joints and muscles and cause pain and discomfort. It does not go away easily and can ruin your whole day. Studies confirm that nearly 17% to 27% of the working population suffer from mild to acute upper back pain.
Upper back pain can result in poorer standing posture leading to weight balancing issues. Besides, it can contribute to disc problems causing it to bulge from its position in the spine. Another problem with back pain is that it can interrupt sleep quality and as a result, you feel fatigue and will have a dip in productivity. In this article, we will have an overview of upper back pain and the steps you can take to prevent it.
Anatomy of the Upper Back
The upper back, aka the thoracic spine, is the middle section of the spine between the cervical and the lumbar spine. It has 12 vertebrae known as T1 to T12, stacked on each other. When compared to the neck and lower back, it has limited mobility. The upper back muscles can be divided into three, superficial, intermediate, and deep muscle groups.
Common Causes of Upper Back Pain After Sleeping
Upper back pain has some common causes that have to be known. The main ones are listed below.
- Sleeping positions
The poor spinal alignment while sleeping puts weight on the upper back muscles. Sleeping in awkward positions causes pressure on the spine which leads to pain.
- Poor posture
The upper back muscles get strained by prolonged sitting during the day. It manifests in the form of pain waking up after sleeping.
- Muscle strain
Muscle stiffness or tension can arise after sleeping in the same position for extended hours causing pain in the upper back.
- Mattress issues
A rough and unsupportive mattress that does not align with the spine during sleep will cause pain after waking up.
- Underlying health conditions
Osteoarthritis, scoliosis, disc degeneration, etc are a few underlying conditions that lead to upper back pain after a night’s sleep.
Identifying Upper Back Pain Symptoms
A few symptoms do appear when you suffer upper back pain making it easy to identify. See the list below.
- The neck and shoulder will have a dull and throbbing pain.
- The upper back will experience muscle stiffness or tightness.
- Movements of the body can worsen the pain.
- Deep breathing can cause difficulties due to pain.
- Dull aches in the chest, abdomen, and arms
The Role of Sleep Positions in Upper Back Pain
Sleep positions play a definite role in reducing upper back pain and improving sleep quality. See below for details.
- Sleeping on your stomach
This sleeping posture is treated as the worst as it can twist the neck and flatten the spine against its natural curve.
- Sleeping on your back
This is a perfect posture that distributes weight evenly along the spine. It can be further supported by placing a pillow under the knees to provide additional support.
- Sleeping on your side
Sleeping on your side can be advantageous as it can help take pressure off the upper back. A pillow can be used between the knees to get the spine aligned.
Impact of Mattresses and Pillows on Upper Back Pain
Using the right mattresses and pillows will go a long way in preventing upper back pain. For this purpose, a medium-firm mattress should be used to ensure pressure relief. Similarly, if there are added features like memory foam, it can relieve upper back and shoulder pain greatly. Having recliners will provide added comfort and help relieve upper back pain. A right pillow with moderate thickness helps the spinal alignment. If you sleep on your side, you must get a thicker pillow.
Diagnostic Approaches for Upper Back Pain
The diagnosis of upper back pain involves physical examination, accessing medical history, and possible imaging tests. Read through the content.
- Physical examination
During physical examination, the doctor looks for the root causes of the pain. Observation of the posture, palpation along the spine, etc will be looked at in depth.
- Medical history
The doctor will analyze the health aspects of the individual and probe about any related symptoms, injuries, and lifestyle that cause the back pain.
- Imaging tests
To confirm that there are no instances of any spinal degeneration or fractures, the doctor will prescribe imaging tests such as X-rays, MRI, or CT scans.
Treatment Options for Upper Back Pain After Sleeping
Treatment options are available for upper back pain after sleeping. Check out the following.
- Ice and heat therapy
This method has produced effective results as reported by many who had episodes of upper back pain. Typically, ice is applied to the area where it hurts during the beginning of the pain, and after 48 hours heat is applied to the same location. It is important to check the temperature and limit the duration to 20 minutes.
- Massaging
Massaging has been reported to relieve the body’s stress or pain and offer relief. It can be done either by rubbing or kneading the body.
- Stretching Exercises
A specific muscle or tendon is expanded and flexed in a typical stretching exercise. It offers increased flexibility and muscle control and relieves the pain.
- Proper sleep
When relieving upper back pain, adequate amounts of sleep are recommended. Longer periods of sleep deprivation can result in chronic back pain. Often seep works as a remedy to offer the body relaxation and helps to reduce inflammation.
Prevention Strategies for Upper Back Pain
Certain prevention measures can be adopted to reign in upper back pain. These strategies are effective in dealing with the menace and offer reliable results. See below.
- Aerobic exercises
Performing aerobic exercises under the guidance of a fitness expert can relieve upper back pain.
- Weight control
Reducing body weight can be a preventive measure for upper back pain as extra weight causes muscle fatigue and can lead to pain.
- Correcting sleeping posture
Watching out for sleeping posture and correction is important as it not only relaxes the body but also lowers muscle strain.
- Rotating activities
If you are standing for a while it is advised to sit for some time and do other activities to avoid straining the same muscles and joints.
We had an overview of upper back pain and the common causes contributing to it. The symptoms and treatment options were discussed. We also looked into how sleeping posture triggers upper back pain and the steps that can be taken to prevent it.
Frequently Asked Questions
When should I be worried about upper back pain?
If the pain continues for a couple of days and you have additional problems like chest pain, it is recommended to take immediate medical help.
Why does my entire back hurt when I wake up?
It can be due to the sleeping posture as keeping the body in an awkward position for a long time builds up pressure on the spine and could lead to back pain.
What to do when you wake up with a stiff upper back?
Doing some stretching exercises helps to unstrain muscles and relieve a stiff upper back.
Why is upper back pain at night a red flag?
Upper back pain at night can be a sign of kidney stones or infections and it is important to undergo a medical examination.
How do you get rid of upper back pain overnight?
You can put a pillow between your legs, draw them slightly towards the chest, and sleep on your side by placing your head on a medium-thick pillow. This simple step may help you relieve your upper back pain overnight.