Health & Fitness

Swine Flu and Pregnancy: Do You Have It?

by Staff

It has been shown that when it comes to H1N1 (swine flu) and pregnancy there is an increased risk. With regular flu season fast approaching there is a good chance that you’re going to be hit with one type of flu or another, but how will you know which one you have? The symptoms of swine flu and regular influenza are quite similar, but there are a few symptoms that could help you determine the difference.

The Symptoms

Regular flu and swine flu symptoms are undeniable similar with things like fever, aches and pains, runny nose, cough and sore throat. So what makes the swine flu different? It’s been reported that many of those infected with H1N1 have a fever and cough or sore throat along with diarrhea and vomiting.

Since swine flu and pregnancy can mean serious complications for you and your baby, it is better to err on the side of caution and report your symptoms to your doctor even if you believe it’s just the regular flu that you have. And while diarrhea and vomiting has been reported in many cases of the swine flu you shouldn’t just assume that not having those symptoms means that you’re fine. Typical flu symptoms like fever, cough, aches and pains, headaches and weakness should all be reported to your doctor who can then advise you as to what to do next.

Preventing Swine Flu

Since swine flu and pregnancy mean increased risk, you need to be even more diligent about the steps you can take towards prevention of H1N1. It has been shown that your best defense is regular hand washing and sanitizing of common surfaces. Keeping your distance from those who have flu-like symptoms is also highly recommended.

When it comes to preventing most illnesses and having a healthy pregnancy, keeping your immune system strong is key. This can be achieved by eating a well balanced diet, taking your prenatal vitamins and getting enough rest. Stress has been proven time and time again to weaken the immune system and can make you more susceptible to the flu and other conditions. so doing your best to relax and avoid too much stress is also important.

Finally, it is recommended that expectant mothers have the regular flu shot as well as the H1N1 vaccine when it does become available. But since all women are different and there are various factors to consider, make sure you speak to your doctor before rushing out to the nearest clinic for your shot.

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