
Tips For Beautiful Skin Before, During and After  Pregnancy

by Staff

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Not content with making you feel like the size of a whale, Mother Nature also likes to make you feel ugly when you are pregnant. People will often tell you that you look radiant and have that pregnant glow; but when you look in the mirror, all you see is a tired and listless face that is about to break out like you did when you were a teenager!

Skin problems have a way of flaring up tenfold when pregnant, but by looking after your skin before and during your pregnancy, you can make yourself feel a whole lot better. What would you give to be able to look in the mirror and feel happy with what you see rather than comparing yourself to an ugly duckling? With even the simplest of steps, you can look after your skin and help you get that real pregnancy glow that you will be proud of. And of course, it is about the skin all over your body not just your face that is affected during pregnancy.
Let’s start with the more obvious tips.

Tip Time!

We know that drinking plenty of water and eating a sensible diet is good for us but it is of equal importance to our skin. Water keeps our skin hydrated and flushes out all of those nasty toxins. This can help to prevent spots, acne and itchy skin. Speaking of itchy skin, if you suffer from itchiness and dryness, particularly around the abdomen, you can use a variety of creams, moisturizers and lotions to keep the skin moist. The best ones are the ones that contain ingredients such as cocoa butter and shea butter. It should be noted that you should stop using any creams that contain Retin-A while you are pregnant.

To help reduce the affect of spots and acne, treat yourself to a facial. You need to find one that is right for your skin type – remember that your skin changes throughout the different stages of your pregnancy. Before applying the mask, make sure that you are cleaning your face and neck regularly with a good bar of soap to help unclog the pores. Avoid all soaps and lotions that contain alcohol as this will only serve to dry the skin out.

Most important is to take the weight off of your feet as often as you can. Relaxation and rest are both a very important part of pregnancy and many women are guilty of not giving themselves enough time off! Find the methods that suit you to relax; you may just like to sit listening to soothing music or you may want to indulge in a pregnancy massage. In fact, massages are a good choice as they are known to rejuvenate the skin. Whatever makes you comfortable and relaxed – do it! Your body and skin will only benefit from the bit of pampering you give it. Not only this, it will go a long way to making you feel less like that ugly duckling. Remember, sleep is also important and you should aim to get the recommended eight hours per night.

Just a little tweaking to your routine and you’ll be glowing in no time!


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