Even though ovarian cysts can cause some pretty painful symptoms in some women, it can be hard to know that something is up because the symptoms are often brushed off as a bad period or just not feeling so good. Most of the time ovarian cysts are more a nuisance than anything else, but there are some that end up being quite problematic, leading to complications such as infection, scarring, problems with fertility and much more.
Spotting the Symptoms
Being able to spot the symptoms of ovarian cysts can help you get the treatment you need sooner rather than later. Not only does this mean being able to start feeling better faster but also stopping the problem before it leads to more serious complications.
Ovarian cyst symptoms differ for most because of things like size and location of the cyst as well as the individual’s tolerance level. There are also various types of cysts. For instance, some are filled with liquids while others contain solid matter or both. Then there are those that are caused by ovarian cancer as well as those that are caused by Endometriosis. The list goes on.
There are a few telltale signs to look out for though, regardless of the type of ovarian cyst, such as:
• Pelvic and lower abdominal pain
• Lower back pain
• Irregular periods
• Heavy periods
• Thigh pain
• Pain after intercourse
• Pain during or after going to the bathroom
• Tender breasts
• Problems getting pregnant
Some of the more serious symptoms of ovarian cysts that you need to be aware of are:
• Sudden and severe lower abdominal pain
• Pain with fever and/or vomiting
• Faintness
• Weakness
• Dizziness
These symptoms could indicate a ruptured ovarian cyst which can lead to infection and other serious complications. If you suffer from anyone of these you need to get medical treatment right away.
A Few More Facts
Ovarian cysts are quite common and there is nothing you can do to prevent them. Luckily most ovarian cysts are not cancerous and the symptoms can be alleviated using over-the-counter or prescription medications. There are a few types of ovarian cysts that go away all on their own within a few weeks or months and never require any treatment at all.
Most people discover that they have ovarian cysts after reporting irregular or painful periods to their doctor or during their routine pelvic exam. In many cases your doctor can feel if there is swelling around the ovaries simply by performing a pelvic exam. If the doctor feels swelling during you exam or if your symptoms need treating then a pelvic ultrasound is usually used to confirm a diagnosis of ovarian cysts. An ultrasound or X-ray can usually give the doctor a good understanding as to the type of cyst you have.