
The Cycle of Life – Lunar Fertility

by Staff

Life is cyclical. We are born, we live and then we die to move onto another life. Women have always been affected by cycles and there is no cycle more obvious than that of the menstrual cycle. However, noticing how great the impact of the lunar cycle is on life has largely been lost as technology, business, and the drive to be more, do more, have more, and spend more has obscured the basic and constant flow of cycles.

The Impact of the Moon

It seems these days that women are returning to the moon or at least the impact of the moon on fertility. It has long been recognized that the moon affects the ebb and flow of fertility – although science silenced the natural way of counting in favor of establishing ovulation cycles based on a solar rather than a lunar calendar. Since women tend to menstruate in synch with the moon, it just makes sense to use the lunar calendar to make some determinations relative to menstruation and fertility – whether it is to accomplish or avoid pregnancy.

A research study in 2003 at the University of Saskatchewan that was funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) gave evidence that what we have traditionally embraced as the human menstrual cycle is incorrect. Another study, done prior in the year 2000, at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences in Durham, North Carolina, found that determining a woman’s fertile window (the six days in the month she can conceive) was incredibly difficult to predict. What this proved was that there are times outside of what has been accepted as “the only way” to determine fertility that women are fertile and not only can but do conceive.

Dr. Jonas Re-Discovers Lunar Fertility

The most prominent and best known lunar fertility cycle was re-established by Dr. Eugene Jonas in the 1950s in Czechoslovakia. He determined there were two distinct cycles of fertility that were independent of one another. The first was the ovulation cycle (the scientific method based on the solar calendar) and the second was period of time in the monthly cycle when intercourse stimulates spontaneous or reflex ovulation. The original concept for this fertility cycle was first recorded in ancient Egypt.

This second ovulation cycle is tied to the natal lunar phase return, which means when the moon is in phase that matches the one the woman was born under. Regardless where a woman is in her biological ovulation cycle, when this phase of the moon occurs there is a fertile period in which conception can happen. As it happens, there are another two fertility periods that are affected by the moon as well. However, the best way to understand them is to sit with an astrologer.

Fun Facts About Women and the Moon

Here are some tidbits of information relative to how the waxing and waning of the moon affect female fertility:

· Estrogen levels rise with the waxing of the moon. Waxing moon means the moon is getting larger in the sky, moving from the New Moon toward the Full Moon. For women, this period often charges and energizes them; they need less sleep, feel sexy, alluring and receptive to sexual advances.

· As the moon wanes, or gets smaller, moving back toward the beginning phase of the New Moon, higher levels of progesterone prepare the uterus for implantation of a fertilized egg.

· During the dark period of the moon, the few days where it is not visible to the eye from Earth, hormones are at their lowest point and women tend to require rest in order to be refreshed and restored. Notably, during the three day period of the New Moon, when it is dark, birth rates are lower – reflecting lower libido and less energy for sex.

· The Full Moon, which is the peak of the waxing of the moon, is understandably the peak time of physical energy and emotional expression – and the time for peak sexual activity.

· High stress or sexual intercourse at the time of a woman’s natal lunar phase triggers spontaneous ovulation.

· The most fertile days for a woman are when the mid-cycle ovulation matches up with the natal lunar phase.

· There is evidence that a man’s sperm count reaches a peak during his lunar return, when the Moon is in the sign he was born in. Again, one would need an astrologer to find that information.

Determine Your Baby’s Sex by the Moon

Another discovery made by Dr. Jonas was that the sex of the baby could be determined by whether the moon was in a masculine sign or a feminine sign at conception. The masculine signs are:

· Aries

· Gemini

· Geo

· Libra

· Sagittarius

· Aquarius

And the feminine signs are:

· Taurus

· Cancer

· Virgo

· Scorpio

· Capricorn

· Pisces

The best chance for conceiving a baby boy is to have sex during fertile times when the moon is in a masculine sign, and conversely when the moon is in a feminine sign for a baby girl.

Interested in learning more about lunar phase fertility? See our article in this section.


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