
Laptops May Contribute To Male Infertility

by Staff

Known and well-documented lifestyle contributors to male infertility include smoking, alcohol consumption, toxin exposure, excessive weight, poor nutritional diet, and more.

Less well known, however, are the damaging effects that laptop computers may have on the ability of men to conceive. Recent studies are finding a strong link between laptop computers positioned on the lap and poor sperm quality.

So while the advent of laptop technology may be a step forward for mankind, when it comes to male fertility, it may be a step backwards for men.

How Do Laptops Affect Fertility?

Healthy sperm production and development require the male body to maintain proper testicular temperatures. It has long been confirmed that increasing the temperature of the testicles negatively affects sperm production. In fact, men who are trying to conceive are often advised to keep their scrotum temperatures cool by wearing loose pants or avoiding hot baths.

Laptops computers can reach internal operating temperatures of up to 70°C, and when placed on the lap can elevate the temperature of the scrotum by almost 3 degrees.

Laptops are very often positioned on the lap and hence near the scrotum area. Since this positioning requires users to sit with their thighs together, the heat generated from the laptop is furthermore trapped between the thighs and directly by the scrotum.

Although the full extent of laptop damage to male fertility is unknown, as well as the specific amount of heat necessary to warrant a threat, or the amount of exposure time, researchers are warning that excessive laptop use may cause long-term and possibly irreversible damage to the male reproductive system.

Future Implications

Should would-be fathers say goodbye to their laptop computers? While the experts haven’t gone that far yet in their advice, they are recommending that men and teenage boys keep their laptops away from their lap as often as possible and place them on a desktop instead.

Here are some more lifestyle guidelines recommended for men and teenage boys in order to minimize the risk of male infertility:

•- Don’t smoke

•- Avoid excessive alcohol consumption

•- Avoid drug use

•- Exercise regularly

•- Eat a nutritious diet

•- Avoid activities that generate heat to the genital area

•- Avoid activities that generate trauma to the genital area

•- Wear boxer underwear instead of tight briefs

•- Minimize exposure to toxins

•- Avoid hot tubs

•- Get a good night’s sleep and practice stress reduction techniques

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