Certainly, if you are having abnormal bleeding, you’ll want to see a doctor. Sometimes, however, it’s tricky to know whether you’re having abnormal bleeding, or whether your period has just come early or stayed late. Abnormal bleeding is defined as heavy bleeding or bleeding between periods.
Causes of Abnormal Bleeding
Certainly, abnormal bleeding can be the result of many causes. It could be from trauma, infection or cancer. The cervix might be bleeding in an unusual way because of fibroids, infection, polyps or cancer. Other causes can be ovarian or other estrogen producing tumors. These items can cause uterine bleeding.
Getting Help
Certainly, if you are having unusually heavy bleeding or consistent bleeding between periods, you should seek assistance. First, you should keep a diary of your experiences, chronically when you had bleeding, how long it lasted, how heavy the bleeding was, and more. This should be shown to your doctor and will certainly be helpful for diagnosing your issue. Your doctor will determine which tests you need to have done and will figure out if you have hormone abnormalities, lesions or other issues.
Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUB)
Another issues that might be occurring is Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUB). This condition is usually a result of an improper communication between the brain and the reproductive organs. Almost all episodes of this condition happen at reproductive extremes, meaning that 20% of the cases are in women less than 18 years of age and 40% of the cases are in women over 40. The treatment for DUB depends on your age group and your lab results. Usually, for adolescent girls, doctors will simply observe the girls as they mature and will treat with birth control pills. For women ages 20-30, the lab results will usually help to indicate the appropriate treatment. For women who are post-menopausal, cancer needs to be ruled out first. Treatment in general focuses on getting the abnormal bleeding to stop. Bleeding can be controlled, in situations where no other abnormality is found, with estrogen or progesterone therapy. Extreme situations may require the removal of the uterus or a hysterectomy.
Getting Treatment
Certainly, if you are having bleeding problems, you should consult with your physician and get the help that you need. Your body is indicating that you have an issue and it’s one that needs to be dealt with professionally, quickly and safely.