
A Glossary for Homemade Skin Care Products

by Staff

Almonds-Grind almonds and use them in scrubs as a gentle abrasive.

Aloe Vera-Soothes, heals, and moisturizes. Good for burns and rashes.

Wonderful Exfoliant

Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA)-This chemical makes a wonderful exfoliant, leaving behind new and unwrinkled skin, with a rosier color. You can find AHA in milk products, citrus fruits and in sugar.

Aspirin-Aspirin is salicylic acid. You can crush aspirin and mix it with water to form a paste. Use this paste as an effective way to exfoliate your skin.

Replenishing Moisturizer

Avocado-Avocado is filled with vitamins and antioxidants and is used as a replenishing moisturizer. Mash one and slather it on your face. Let it sit for 20 minutes.

Baking Soda-If you’re aiming for silk smooth skin, rub baking soda on your skin while in the shower. Do this once a week. A baking soda rub can also help to rid you of blackheads.

Buttermilk-Women have long used buttermilk to cleanse and soften their skin.

Citric Acid-Found in citrus fruits, citric acid works as a gentle exfoliating agent and also helps to lighten freckles. Squeeze a bit of citrus fruit on your freckles and sit in the sun for a bit.

Cocoa Butter-Cocoa butter softens and moisturizes your skin.

Cornmeal-Use cornmeal in homemade scrubs to help exfoliate dead skin and promote the growth of new skin; an effective and inexpensive microdermabrasion.

Corn Starch-Corn starch absorbs excess oil and softens the skin.

Cucumber-The green salad veggie is a natural astringent and helps treat age spots, too.

Egg White-Egg whites nourish your skin with pure protein and also tone and tighten the skin when used in masques.

Egg Yolk-Egg Yolks can be used instead of soap for eczema sufferers. Yolks heal damaged skin and can replenish moisture.

Grapes-Grapes are used to treat fine lines. Crush the grapes and apply it to your face. Leave to sit for 10-20 minutes.

Green TeaBenefits of green tea are not only health related, but also cosmetic. Green tea is filled with nutrients and also acts as an antioxidant. Moisten a tea bag and use it as an exfoliating scrub. Place a moistened tea bag under your eyes to tighten and refine the eye area.

Honey-Honey has antibacterial and healing properties and is good for burns and cuts. The sticky stuff acts to draw moisture into the top layers of the skin. Excellent for dry or sensitive skin.

Oatmeal-Oatmeal soothes and softens dry, itchy skin and is also an exfoliant.

Olive Oil-Olive oil is a wonderful moisturizer.

Papaya-Papaya both treats and prevents acne.

Rosemary-Rosemary has both antiseptic and antibacterial properties. That makes the herb a good choice for oily skin that is prone to break-outs.

Rose Water-Rose water is a mild astringent and can soothe irritated skin. Use it in toners.

Salt-Salt can be used in scrubs to exfoliate dead skin cells, leaving you with rosier, fresher looking skin.

Strawberries-Strawberries are richer in vitamin C than are citrus fruits. They also contain salicylic acid, which is an amazing exfoliant often found in acne preparations. Crush and mix with corn starch and apply as a masque (not for sensitive or dry skin).

Sugar-Sugar is a form of AHA and is excellent in exfoliant scrubs and anti-aging preparations.

Tomatoes-Wipe the juice on oily areas of your face with a cotton ball, then rinse off with warm water.

Vinegar-Vinegar has many skin-serving properties. Use it as the final step of your homemade beauty regimen to cleanse the skin of any remaining product residues and as a toner. Vinegar will help rebalance the PH level in your skin. Apple cider vinegar is preferred.

Water-Drinking eight glasses of water every day is the best beauty aid known to man. Water replenished the moisture in your skin from the inside out.

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