Health & Fitness

Fitness and Your Health

by Staff

Wondering what fitness routine is right for you? Choosing the right exercise can often depend on your body shape. Exercising options include low-impact activities like walking and Pilates; Qigong exercise additionally combines low impact fitness with a total mind and body experience that is similar to yoga.

If you prefer high-impact work-outs, why not try martial arts or weight training. Interval training combines many forms of exercise and is a great option if you like variety in your work-outs while cardio exercise is an excellent way to strengthen the heart, as are cardio machines.

Swimming has been touted as the most beneficial exercise regimens because it works out the whole body. Stretching keeps your muscles healthy and limber.

But if you’re worried about results, remember that your metabolism plays a big role in how much weight you lose and how quickly you lose it. And remember that fitness safety is crucial during every work-out, no matter what impact level the exercise. Safety is especially important if you’re a senior; visit our fitness for seniors page.

Obesity is a serious health condition that can lead to heart disease, diabetes, as well as fertility problems and pregnancy complications. Find out more about obesity and its effects on women’s health here.

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