Pregnancy Health

Fertility Signs – Cervical Mucus

by Staff

The Primary Fertility Signs

You and your partner have decided to start your family. It is a time that is both exciting and sometimes stressful as you watch your body signs for that perfect moment when conception can take place. There are two main fertility signs that are essential to check when you are charting your fertility, they are cervical mucus and basal body temperature (BBT). Other fertility signs that can help indicate where you are in terms of conception status include cervical position, ovulation predictor kits and fertility monitors. While these signs are considered to be secondary, they can confirm your primary fertility signs should you need that extra vote of confidence.

Changes In Cervical Fluid (Mucus)

When you approach the time of ovulation, estrogen levels rise, cervical fluid is produced by the cervix and it flows into the vagina. Since it is so close to the outside of the body, it can be checked very easily. Cervical fluid changes throughout your cycle, becoming more plentiful, clearer, and stretchier the closer you are to ovulation. By becoming familiar with the various changes and recording them, you can recognize your own particular fertility pattern and plan intercourse to coincide with ovulation.

There is a common pattern to the cycle of cervical mucus. It begins in a dry state immediately following menses then progresses as follows: sticky to creamy, then wet and watery, then becoming like egg white as the time of ovulation draws close. It is possible to have different types of fluid in the same day so it is important to always record your most fertile cervical fluid in order to avoid missing a potentially fertile day.

Ways To Check Cervical Fluid

The best way to check your cervical mucus is by observation when you go to the bathroom. After you wipe then, with a clean piece of tissue, wipe the outside of the vagina again and note if there is anything on the tissue. Before long you will find that you are checking cervical mucus without even thinking about it every time you use the bathroom. You can use your fingers to check the status of mucus as well. If you are close to ovulation, the mucus will stretch between two fingers. The further it stretches, the closer you are to ovulation. Avoid checking after intercourse because the combination of seminal fluids and arousal fluids affect the observations.

There’s More Than One Way To Check Things Out

If you are having difficulty finding cervical fluid, you can force or push the fluid down into the vagina by doing kegel exercises. The tensing and relaxing of the abdominal muscles controls the flow of urine and also causes internal fluids to be expelled. Do not do kegels after intercourse since the action could push the seminal fluid away from the cervix, which is where the sperm should be if you want to conceive. You can also push the fluid into the vagina through exercise and when you have a bowel movement, thus making observation of the mucus easier.

If you are unable to check your cervical mucus externally, then internal checking is necessary. If you are currently breastfeeding, or there is a decrease in estrogen for any other reason, then internal checking is recommended. Whichever way you decide to check, stay consistent with that particular method and observe and note all of your findings every day.

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