Birth Control

Essure Permanent Birth Control for Women

by Staff

Essure is considered a permanent form of birth control which works with a woman’s body to create a barrier against pregnancy. Essure is covered by most insurance policies, and offers the primary benefit of no surgery, burning or anesthesia. In fact, the procedure takes a mere 10-15 minutes and can be done in your doctor’s office. Essure is a much less invasive form of permanent birth control for women, and women appreciate the fact that it contains no hormones. Even better, Essure is considered to be 99.8% effective, making it the most effective form of permanent birth control currently available, although it has only been around since 2002.

The Essure Procedure

No cutting is involved in the placement of Essure. A doctor will insert flexible tubes through the vagina, cervix and uterus, and into your fallopian tubes, then in the following three months your body and the inserts work together to form a natural barrier which will effectively prevent sperm from reaching your eggs. You must use a backup form of birth control during the first three months following the procedure, then you will have a test performed which will use x-rays and dye to confirm that both inserts are where they should be and your fallopian tubes are effectively blocked. Following the implantation of Essure, your ovaries will continue to produce eggs, which will simply be absorbed into your body.

Safety of Essure

The typical risks associated with surgical procedures such as tubal ligations (burning, cutting and tying) or vasectomies in men are avoided through the use of Essure. The Essure inserts have no silicone in them, and are made from materials which have been used successfully for many years in many different types of surgeries and implants. Essure implants do contain a small amount of nickel, however, so if you have any type of nickel allergy, let your doctor know prior to having Essure implanted. Essure inserts do not bring on menopause and should not cause the weight gain which is common to many birth control methods due to their use of hormones.

Potential Side Effects of Essure

Immediately following the procedure some women may feel dizzy, or may experience nausea, vomiting, mild cramping, or minor bleeding and spotting. Most women report no discomfort at all, however some state they have cramping which is roughly the same as their monthly menstrual period. Following the first week after placement of Essure, most women rated their overall experience with Essure as good or excellent. Most women are able to leave their doctor’s office within 45 minutes of having Essure implants. The majority were also able to return to work within 24 hours of having the procedure done, and return to their normal activities within the same time frame. Some women find their periods change significantly following the procedure, becoming either lighter or heavier. This could be a result of stopping a birth control method which contains hormones.

How Many Doctor Visits Will Essure Require?

You will be required to visit your doctor at least three times during the entire Essure implant procedure. You will first have a consultation visit where you will discuss whether you are a good candidate for Essure or not. Should you and your doctor decide that Essure is for you, you will return to your doctor’s office to have the Essure implants inserted. Finally, you will have a follow-up visit at three months following the implantation of Essure so your doctor can determine whether they have properly closed off the fallopian tubes to block sperm. Although Essure is considered a permanent form of birth control, there have been higher rates of success in reversing this type of tubal ligation than in other types.


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