Pregnancy Health

5 Essential Items for New Parents

by Staff

During your pregnancy, you probably became familiar with the wealth of baby items on the market today. Now that the little one is home, or is coming home very soon, it’s important to know what you really need. There are so many items that you could buy for the baby, and so many things that advertisers say you’ll need. What, however, do you really need and what will help you the most as new parents? Let’s take a look at 5 specific baby items that will make your life easier in the first few months.

Swaddle, Swaddle, Swaddle!

You’ll soon find out that your baby isn’t too happy to have come into the world. It was warm and cozy in the womb, and now it’s cold and open. Many researchers have shown that swaddling a baby can really make a difference. Swaddling helps the baby to feel protected and warm, as it mimics the position they were in during their time in the womb. The hospital nurses can teach you how to swaddle, but it may take you awhile to get the hang of it. There are blankets that you can purchase on the market today that will help you with the swaddling process. They have Velcro on them in key places and they help you to swaddle. One product is called Swaddle Me, but there are many you can find with a quick search on the web or in a store.

Cuddle Up Close

Your baby used to be next to you when it slept. It’s very difficult, all of a sudden, for the baby to sleep by himself. For this reason, you may want to have a co-sleeper or a bassinet by your bed. This will also make it much easier for you to get the baby to feed him while you’re still recovering from the delivery. He will feel cozy knowing that you are right near by, and you will be able to sleep near him without worrying that you are going to roll over onto him in your sleep.

Sling Them

Babies want to be held and carried – a lot! They are used to being cuddled and want to continue to feel like they are in the womb. To this end, purchase a sling or other type of baby carrier so that you can keep the baby close to your body during the day. You can enjoy walking for exercise and for leisure with a baby in a baby carrier and can do your errands this way as well. There are many such carriers on the market today. Some of them, such as the sling, are fine for the baby from the time he is born. Others, such as the Ergo-Baby, are more appropriate as the baby grows a bit. Shop around and find the right baby carrier to help you to keep your baby snuggly during the day.

Sack ‘Em!

Sleeping sacks are a brilliant invention for keeping your baby cozy at night. These sacks are like sleeping bags that you put your baby into. They have a zippered bottom for easy changing and room for the arms and the head to stick out. They are a great way to keep the baby warm and to make it easy for you to do middle-of-the-night feedings. You won’t have to worry about him kicking off blankets or about having anything accidentally cover his head.

Feed and Relax

Whether you nurse or bottle feed the baby, you’ll want to have something supporting your back. Women often find themselves in a slightly awkward position when they feed, and this can hurt their backs over time. Nursing pillows are a great solution to this issue. They wrap around the waist and the baby is placed on the pillow. This elevates the baby’s head towards you and helps to support your back at the same time.

There are certainly more items that could help to ease the transition when you bring the baby home. Starting with these five essential baby items will help you in your long journey as a parent! Enjoy every minute and find the right items to make you and baby comfortable each day.

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