Prescription Help with Menopause

Many women will decide that their menopause symptoms are difficult enough to warrant medical intervention. Should you come to this conclusion - don't despair! There are a number of prescription and medical treatments available to you. Speak with your physician to decide upon the best course of action for your particular symptoms and situation - but get all the facts here to make an informed decision and to have an educated discussion.

Hormone Replacement Therapy

This is certainly the most effective treatment option for hot flashes. Hormone replacement therapy involves giving women low doses of estrogen to replace the estrogen that they are losing during menopause. This therapy is very effective for many women and helps to alleviate hot flashes and other symptoms a great deal. Learn more about hormone replacement therapy and see if it's the right method of treatment for you based on your family medical history and your personal history.

Low-Dose Antidepressants

Another idea is to take low-dose antidepressants such as Venlafaxine. These drugs have been found to decrease hot flashes and there are a number of related drugs in this category. You can discuss the options with your doctor and the side effects of each of these medications. Such medications include fluoxetine (Prozac, Sarafem), paroxetine (Paxil, others), citalopram (Celexa) and sertraline (Zoloft).

Other Hot Flash Helpers

There are a number of other interesting options to help with hot flashes. Gabapentin (Neurontin) is used to treat seizures. Interestingly enough, however, it has actually been shown to help to reduce hot flashes and is being used by many doctors. Clonidine is a pill or patch which is usually used to treat high blood pressure. It can also reduce the occurrence and severity of hot flashes. Ask your doctor about side effects, however, as there can be many unpleasant ones involved with this drug.

Keep Your Bones Strong

There are many drugs on the market that help with osteoporosis by reducing bone loss and by helping with the risk of fractures. These are nonhormonal medications, including alendronate (Fosamax), risedronate (Actonel) and ibandronate (Boniva). These drugs have actually surpassed estrogen as the most used treatment for osteoporosis in women.

Keeping Sex Enjoyable

One medical option to help with vaginal dryness during menopause is to use estrogen tablets, rings or creams that are inserted directly into the vagina. These receptacles release just small amounts of estrogen which is then absorbed directly into the vaginal tissue. Many women find success using these estrogen treatments for the relief of vaginal dryness, discomfort during sex, and urinary issues.

Depending on your menopausal symptoms, you may find relief with one or more of these medical treatments. Speak with your doctor about your specific situation and find out how you can create a more comfortable environment for yourself while experiencing menopause. Just because you've reached menopause doesn't mean that you have to suffer through it!

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Has anyone used bio identical hormones to alleviate menopause side effects? Would like to learn more about this.
7 years ago